Welcome to the Medical Education Pillar!

Vision and Mission

A Europe of the highest standards in healthcare education and continuous integration of medical curricula across the continent and a prosperous exchange of best practices in interprofessional education.

Empower medical students to be part of shaping an education, that responds to advances in medicine, new learning technologies and philosophy of education.

  • Connect students and professionals passionate about teaching, learning and gaining new skills;
  • Expand the educational scope by offering extra-curricular activities;
  • Advocate for a continuous evidence-based development of medical education on a local and international level;
  • Promote the exchange of information related to education through networking, conferences, publications and online activities;
  • Empower medical students to be peer-educators;
  • Collaborate with relevant partners in the implementation of objectives related to medical education.

Focus Areas

Transparency and Conflict of Interest in Medical Education Settings

Physicians face many conflicts of interest in daily medical practice. These conflicts of interest may be relating to the pharmaceutical industry, medical device industry, or individuals’ issues of intransparency. When these conflicts of interest are not declared in a medical education setting, medical students can unknowingly become influenced in their independent decision-making process. 

EMSA is committed to ensuring a high ethical standard in medical education. Therefore we aim to advocate on this topic and ensure proper educational formats to combat conflicts of interest in medical education settings and strive for transparency. 

You can read our policy paper on Conflicts of Interest in Medical Education Settings here for more background information.

